Student Voice

I was so fortunate that, i joined Presidency College which shaped my life by good education & industry based training.




I am so happy that, i am graduated from Presidency College. It nurtured & guided my path for the future.





I am happy enough that Presidency shaped my life .





The teachers and trainers were very cooperate & knowledgeable enough to shape students future.





Industry based curriculum & teaching was so effective to guide me.





Highly educated faculty & learning atmosphere was the thing i loved about Presidency.




Happy enough as i learned not only subject but also extra trainings as a Presidencian.




Great campus & learning atmosphere & cooperative teachers taught beyond syllabus to cater with future.




Happy that i was a presidencian because it nourished me.





Cooperative faculty,scientific teaching shaped our study to face future.

Learning atmosphere, industry based training made me an efficient person to face future.

Practical teaching style,training was shaped my future.Happy enough as a Presidencian.



Warm campus,well qualified faculty & beyond syllabus curriculum was the best thing i found in Presidency College.




I am fortunate & feeling great that i have been trained by good faculties & trainers as well in Presidency college.




I became creative after i joined presidency.

I have learned many things from the teachers as well as trainers from different industry.

I don’t think any college atmosphere can match Presidency.The best college as per my point of view.

Enjoyed life& learned many things at Presidency college.